“A blade of grass, a droplet of dew,
there is a purpose for us all! “
Ancient Chinese Wisdom

With his love and enthusiasm with 5,000 years of Chinese history, Mr. Chang told so many passionate stories of an ancient empire on big blackboards. His students often indulged in fascinating tales of history, the causes, the wars, and the consequences. Mr. Chang transformed thousands years of historical facts into exciting accounts of ancient China.
Mr. Chang passed away in 2016. Many of his current and former students attended his celebration of life.
(Mr. Chang with many of his students in Taiwan. Photo provided by Shin-Dian High School, Taiwan. 照片由新店高中同學提供).
My mathematics teacher at Cupertino Middle School, Mrs. Clark, gave me tremendous confidence boost during my first year in a foreign, unfamiliar environment. Mrs. Clark always found ways to encourage all students in her classes. She constantly rewarded her students who had the best scores, showed the most improvement, or was the most helpful child during the class. Her classroom was always filled with dedication, caring, excitement, and enthusiasm.
A Math Award was established in 2000 in memory of Mrs. Marjean Clark at Cupertino Middle School.

“When I was a Senior I had this phenomenal AP English Class. The teacher was this guy who looked like Ernest Hemingway.”
‘Steve Jobs’, by Walter Isaacson. 2011
“Steve has never missed an English class.”
Recalled Mrs. Pelton. Jan 2019